Being Artful during Covid-19

This is a weird time, isn’t it? I haven’t made a blog post on my website in six years. It took a global pandemic to light a fire under me.

When I read food blogs looking for a recipe, I am sometimes so annoyed by those bloggers who are compelled to write novellas before they share what you came there for: the recipe! So I’ll spare you my ruminating on Time during the Corona Pandemic and jump right in.

When this started ramping up a few weeks ago I wondered how I could help. What do I have to offer? What I have always had: art. Art, whether you’re enjoying it or making it, is good for the soul and the mind. Being creative is therapeutic. So I am sharing tutorials online of simple but solid art projects that you can do at home with materials you most likely already have. Many of them are suitable for older children as well as adults. I am posting them on my Facebook art page and Instagram, but you can also find them all on one page with links right here on my website. I hope they inspire you to get creative. I promise that making art will reduce your stress and lift your heart.